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Review 2012 Volkswagen Beetle 2.5L becomes more masculine

Review: 2012 Volkswagen Beetle 2.5L becomes more masculine

When Volkswagen finally decided to change the Beetle’s design for 2012, one of the key points that the automaker intended to touch on in order to expand the model’s market was to attract the attention of more men. The German automaker has many stylish, powerful, and awesome options, such as the Fender sound system, but is that enough for the guys to raise their eyebrows? Since the model is fairly new, I am going to discard any data or its lack and give you a low rating based on the collective experience of our employees.

Everyone, except one of our employees, felt that the model had become more androgynous before we hit the road. So, when everyone is firmly in their positions, we are in the streets of Manhattan in our hot red press machine. A handful of blocks and a few prospectuses later the result was clear: Volkswagen achieved its goal. Not only did men and women raise and thumbs up, it also turned out that more men than women were checking the new Beetle. With the onset of the week, again and again we had the same result. Now that we’ve found out, let’s look at what exactly makes the 2012 Volkswagen Beetle so charming.

-Jack Wilson

QuickSnap Auto Parts

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